Student Visa for Australia

Are you thinking about applying for an Australian student visa? There are a few things to keep in mind when applying for an Australia student visa for Indian students. With the implementation of the SSVF (Simplified Student Visa Framework) on July 1, 2016, a student visa can only be sought based on new authority rules. As a result, all students will need to apply for their Subclass 500 visas as soon as possible.

Timelines for obtaining a student visa in Australia

The processing period for obtaining a student visa for Australia from India may take some time. According to statistics, approximately 75 percent of visa applications are handled in 29 days, while 90 percent are processed in 42 days. In addition, 75 percent of applications are handled in 43 days, while 90 percent are processed in 77 days.

Key Application Procedures for Student Visas in Australia from India

Are you looking for information on how to apply for a student visa in Australia? There are a few important application-related considerations to keep in mind.

  1. Validity: 10 months/10 months Plus 2 months extra or less
  2. Eligibility requirements: Students enrolled in full-time courses should apply under Subclass 500, whereas students enrolled in distance learning or part-time courses are not eligible.
  3. GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant) – In order to obtain a student visa in Australia, students must demonstrate that they are GTEs. You must demonstrate that you are visiting Australia only for educational purposes and that you will return to your home country after completing the course or acquiring experience.
  4. Visa applications are evaluated based on factors such as the economic situation in your home country, probable possibilities in Australia, the value of a chosen future course, immigration history, and other relevant factors.
  5. Health Examination and Insurance– You should show proof of your good health and medical status. Only empaneled doctors are permitted to offer a certificate in this regard. Indian students must additionally submit chest x-rays to show that they are free of tuberculosis. You can request this check-up either before or after you start the visa application process. Getting it earlier, on the other hand, will need speedy processing. You’ll also require OSHC, or health insurance, in addition to regular check-ups. You should keep this for the duration of your visa.
study in australia

Documents Required for a Student Visa in Australia

Australia’s student visa expenses are AUD 150 (under 18) and AUD 620 + AUD 460 (over 18). (for those who are 18 or more). The following documents should be kept on hand by students:

1.Passport- You must have a valid passport that is valid for at least 6 months beyond the term of the course.

2.Receipt for the application fee payment.

3.Visa application for a non-immigrant.

4.The institution where you will be studying will issue you a COE (Confirmation of Enrollment Form).

5.A letter of acceptance from the university, together with a specified course of study.

6.OSHC is an acronym for Occupational Safety and Health Canada (overseas health insurance receipt).

7.Digital Photographs

8.Diplomas, transcripts, certificates, and degrees are all examples of diplomas.

9.Test results for English language proficiency.

10.SOP (standard operating procedure) (Statement of Purpose).

11.Proof of Funds

Students’ Post-Study Work Options

Students with Subclass 500 visas can work part-time for up to 40 hours every two weeks. When there are breaks or holidays, they can work without constraints on the number of hours they labour. They cannot, however, begin working until the course begins. When casework is required as part of the course, the limit will not apply. At the start of their doctoral thesis or research project, students in the Postgraduate Research Sector are allowed to work an unrestricted number of hours. Those who finish their studies in Australia can apply for post-study work permits through the stream-Graduate. Students enrolling in ELICOS are ineligible to apply for a post-study work permit.


How and where to apply to study in Australia


You can apply online up to 124 days before the start of your course. You may travel to Australia for up to 90 days prior to the start of the course. The following is the procedure for submitting an application:

1. Register for an ImmiAccount and log in.

2. Fill out the application form according to the subclass.

3. After logging into your ImmiAccount, you must track your application. You can use it to upload all of your papers, update your passport information, change your address and email address, and track the status of your application.


4. A TRN (Transaction Reference Number) is a unique number assigned to each online application. This will be necessary for maintaining and tracking your application, as well as identifying situations in which you will need to contact your visa center. You should also use this to check your visa’s entitlements.

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